05 German Computer Game Awards At the German Computer Game Awards 2024, held in Munich, the best German computer and video games of the year and their creative teams were festively honoured. This celebration of top-quality games and their makers featured great entertainment and was attended by numerous guests from the games industry and the cultural, media and political spheres. In addition, hundreds of thousands of people watched the award ceremony at home via live stream. Together, Katrin Bauerfeind and Uke Bosse hosted the ceremony at Eisbach Studios. A total of 800,000 euros in cash prizes was given out. The outer-space game ‘EVERSPACE 2’ by ROCKFISH Games claimed the coveted title of ‘Best German Game’. With their survival horror game ‘Ad Infinitum’, the up-and-coming team from Hekate took home the most honours this year, winning in three categories – the newcomer award ‘Best Debut’, ‘Best Audio Design’ and ‘Best Story’. The ‘Studio of the Year’ distinction went to Pixel Maniacs of Nuremberg and the ‘Special Jury Award’ was awarded to ‘Gaming ohne Grenzen’ (‘Gaming without borders’), a project to promote accessibility in games. The German Computer Game Awards, established in 2009, are the most important awards for the German games industry. They are presented to the makers of Germany’s best computer and video games by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany) and game – The German Games Industry Association. The German Computer Game Awards are supported by the Foundation for Digital Games Culture. The organisers work continuously to further develop these awards. The aim of the awards is to spotlight the creative minds behind the games and their outstanding achievements in order to bring them the publicity they deserve. Further information is available on www.deutscher-computerspielpreis.de The German Computer Game Awards are given in 15 categories, including the international category ‘Best International Game’, the audience award ‘Player of the Year’ and the ‘Special Jury Award’. The winners are selected by a main jury and specialist juries made up of games experts and representatives of the political, media, academic and cultural spheres whose work has a connection to video games. They evaluate the submitted games according to criteria such as quality, degree of innovation, playing enjoyment and cultural and educational value. The jury chairwoman is Prof. Mareike Ottrand of the Interactive Illustration and Games lab at HAW Hamburg.