01.06.2017 BIU.Dev organises a second Pitch & Match for gamescom 2017 Pitch & Match und BBQ für Indie Entwickler im Biergarten der gamescom, Halle 2 • Network platform brings developers and publishers back together • Registration phase for developers runs until 20 July • Beforehand, the BIU is offering a workshop and a webinar on successful pitching Berlin, 1 June 2017 – The network platform BIU.Dev is moving to the next level with its Pitch & Match event at gamescom. After the huge success last year, publishers and developers are getting together for the second Pitch & Match event in the gamescom business area – this time on 22 August, gamescom Tuesday. German and international game developers – from junior teams to established studios – will have the chance to present their current projects to the participating publishers in 20-minute presentation slots. Up to 20 July, developers can apply with their projects via the BIU website. So far, eight publishers have already confirmed their participation. This year, Bandai Namco, Ubisoft BlueByte, Flaregames, Headup Games, Kalypso Media and Deck13 will be joined at the BIU.Dev Pitch & Match by newcomers Surprise Attack and Kongregate. Last year, 79 developers and 16 publishers from 17 countries registered for the event. ‘Our goal is for games from Germany to win a greater share of the German and international markets,’ says BIU Managing Director Felix Falk. ‘We have an excellent developer scene in Germany. However, the sales of German game developments only make up 6 per cent of the domestic market; internationally this figure is even lower. The BIU.Dev Pitch & Match offers the German gaming industry a platform at the biggest games fair in the world, a chance to improve its visibility, nationally and internationally, and to create new business opportunities.’ The BIU.Dev Pitch & Match will take place in the beer garden of the gamescom business area from 5 to 7 p.m. The access requirement for developers is a trade visitor ticket for the business area in addition to an invitation from a publisher. Information about the event, the conditions of participation and the application form are available on https://www.game.de/biu-dev-biu-net/biu-faq/ In addition, the BIU network, in co-operation with the Indie Arena Booth, is sending out invites this year to the following Indie BBQ. This provides a chance for developers, publishers and platform providers to meet from 7 to 10 p.m. in the beer garden of the gamescom business area. The event is invite only. About the BIU The BIU, the German Games Industry Association, is the association of the German computer and video games industry. Its 27 members are developers, publishers and suppliers of digital games. Together, they represent over 85 per cent of the German market. The BIU is, for example, the organiser of gamescom. As an expert partner for media and for political and social institutions, the BIU answers all questions on the topic of digital games. Press contact: Martin Puppe BIU – Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware e. V. Charlottenstraße 62 10117 Berlin Germany Tel.: +49 (0)30 2408779-20 Fax: +49 (0)30 2408779-11 Email: puppe@biu-online.de game.de Twitter: @game_eV Facebook.com/BIUeV Martin Puppe +49 30 240 87 79 20 martin.puppe@game.de