
Executive Board

Lars Janssen

Chairman of the Executive Board

About Lars

Lars is the CEO at Deck13 Interactive, one of the leading game development studios in Germany, part of PULLUP ENTERTAINMENT. Before taking on this position, he was Vice President, Worldwide Studios & Talent at PLAION, a leading developer, marketer and publishing partner for Europe and the rest of the world headquartered in Munich, since November 2019. [show more]There he was responsible for the coordination and cooperation of internal and external development studios as well as the global People & Culture initiatives. Prior to that, he spent nine years at Travian Games, one of the largest online games companies in Germany, in various positions and served as CEO since 2015.

Julia Pfiffer

Deputy Chairwoman of the Executive Board

About Julia

Julia has been Co-Managing Director of astragon Entertainment GmbH since 2017. [show more]She started her career in the games industry in 2004 at Koch Media as Label & Sales Manager. She worked for rondomedia as Sales Manager from 2010 to 2013. From 2014, Julia was Head of Sales & Marketing and Deputy Managing Director at astragon Sales & Services and subsequently at astragon Entertainment. As Co-Managing Director of astragon Entertainment, Julia was instrumental in supporting the merger of the two astragon Group companies and the sale to Team 17 PLC in January 2022.

Johanna Janiszewski

game Executive Board member

About Johanna

Johanna is the founder and CEO of Tiny Crocodile Studios, which won the German Computer Game Award 2018 in the category “Best Children’s Game” with “Monkey Swag”, among others. [show more]In addition, she has previously worked as a game designer at various development studios, is active in the field of game design on a freelance basis and holds workshops on game development.

Clemens Mayer-Wegelin

game Executive Board member

About Clemens (he/him)

Clemens is European General Counsel and Senior Director at Nintendo of Europe, the European HQ of Nintendo based in Germany. [show more]In this role he is leading the areas of Legal and Compliance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Policy Affairs for Nintendo in Europe since 2018. Prior to joining Nintendo in November 2010, Clemens was working in a Frankfurt-based law firm. He is a qualified German lawyer and specialist lawyer for information technology law.

Ralf Wirsing

game Executive Board member

About Ralf

Ralf has been Managing Director Europe at Ubisoft since 2022. [show more]Previously, he was responsible for Ubisoft’s business in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for around 15 years as Managing Director of the German branch in Düsseldorf. In 1997, he started at Ubisoft in product management and then moved to PR. From 2000, he worked in business development and was involved in the integration of Gamebusters Salzburg into the Ubisoft Group. Since 2003, he has been in charge of software development at Blue Byte GmbH as Development Director and was also responsible for business development and IT at Ubisoft.


Felix Falk

Felix Falk (game)

Managing Director
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 0

About Felix

Felix has been Managing Director of game since 1 February 2018. In January 2017, he was appointed Managing Director of BIU, the German Games Industry Association. [show more]He oversaw the merger of the two associations BIU and GAME into game – the German Games Industry Association and assumed the position of Managing Director of the joint association for the German games sector. Prior to this role, Felix Falk was the Managing Director of Germany’s Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (USK) from 2009 to 2016. As vice-chairman of the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) during this period, he was jointly responsible among other things for the global rating standard for online games and apps. From 2004 to 2009, he served as the Head of Office for Monika Griefahn, Chairwoman of the Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs within the German Bundestag. In this capacity, Felix Falk was also responsible for the topic of computer games, and oversaw, among other things, the creation of the Deutsche Computerspielpreis, the most important german computer games award, which were passed by the Bundestag in 2008 and were presented for the first time in 2009.

Samantha Brock

Legal Counsel
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 22

About Samantha

Sammy is part of the Legal and Regulatory Department and, as a Legal Counsel, she oversees the legal affairs and all legal matters of the association. [mehr]During her bachelor’s studies in business law, she discovered her interest in media law, which she further deepened in the subsequent master’s degree in media law and media economics at TH Köln.
Alongside her studies, Sammy worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the field of auditing and was able to gain experience in legal projects with media law issues.

Ina Göring

Director of Membership
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 19

About Ina

Having graduated as a film and television producer at Film University Babelsberg, Ina started her career as a production manager, producer and director in the film, television and animation industry. [show more]Afterwards she joined the media team (film and games) of ILB (Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg) the investment and business promotion bank of the federal state of Brandenburg. Most recently, Ina worked as a consultant for Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg – the media funding institution for Germany’s capital region. She was responsible for the funding programs ‘Innovative Audiovisual Content’ (Games, VR, AR) and ‘Media Development’ (events). Ina is Head of Membership at game and the association’s contact for all questions regarding funding-related topics and supports the regional agencies in their work.

Ines Harmuth

Manager Membership
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 16

About Ines

Since 2020 Ines works as Manager in the department “Membership” at game and is also responsible for Serious Games. [show more]Previously, she worked in the Campaigns and Events department of WWF Germany and then joined the Webedia Group as Customer Success Manager, where she was mainly responsible for gaming projects. She graduated in “Media and Political Communication” at the Free University of Berlin and wrote her master’s thesis on serious games. During her studies, Ines worked in PR in the publishing business and as a TV production assistant in Ireland.

Bianca Havlikova

Assistant Membership and Public Affairs
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 200

About Bianca

Bianca has many years of experience as a team assistant. [show more] After graduating in 2010 as a foreign language correspondent specialising in business languages, she worked in the real estate industry and for almost ten years in the dubbing department of Interaudio Tonstudio GmbH. At game, Bianca supports both the Members and Public Affairs departments as an assistant.

Stefan Heikhaus

Director gamescom & events
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 13

About Stefan

Stefan Heikhaus is able to look back on a long career as a marketing specialist. He had spent many years in the games industry working for companies like Sony Interactive Entertainment and Ubisoft before continuing his career at technology companies such as Cisco and Microsoft. [show more] Most recently, he was head of marketing in German-speaking countries for the Bullitt Group. At game, he especially leads the efforts to continue the development of gamescom and its satellite and content formats, including gamescom asia, gamescom latam and gamescomLAN.

Alex Held

IT Manager
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 203

About Alex

Alex has several years of experience in IT and logistics management. [show more] As a trained IT specialist, he managed logistics sites in the wholesale sector and supported the implementation of IT-supported logistics processes. As IT Manager at game, he supports the entire team and helps to drive digitalisation forward.

Dr. Christian-Henner Hentsch

Director Legal & Regulatory Affairs
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 22

About Henner

Henner oversees as Director Legal & Regulatory Affairs all legal and regulatory issues at game. [show more] Additionally he is managing director of VHG – Verwertungsgesellschaft für die Hersteller von Games and also a professor for copyright and media law at TH Köln. Before he joined game in January 2016 he has represented VG Media, a collecting society for broadcasters and press publishers and he has been working at the German Bundestag.

Clara Janning

Manager Public Affairs
Phone: +49 30 240 8779 201

About Clara

Clara graduated with a master’s degree in political science and gained her first professional experience as a political consultant for a tourism association in Cologne. [show more]In her position as a research assistant for a member oft he German parliament, she further expanded her extensive knowledge of parliamentary life. At game, Clara is responsible for political communication with a focus on skilled workers and talent.

Jannik Linder

Manager Digital Marketing gamescom
Phone: +49 30 240 8779 14

About Jannik

Jannik studied advertising and market communication in Stuttgart and most recently coordinated the digital marketing of the Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR) and the Deutsche Aidshilfe. [show more]During his studies, Jannik already dealt intensively with advertising in video games as part of his final thesis. At game, he is part of the gamescom & events team and supports the digital marketing of gamescom.

Jan Menzel

Event Manager gamescom
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 0

About Jan

Jan has eight years of experience in event management. [show more]He is a trained event manager and looked after national and international clients on the agency side in project management for events and trade fair appearances. As Event Manager gamescom, he takes responsibility for the game’s joint stand and brings his skills and experience to gamescom and other events.

Martin Puppe

Director of PR
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 20

About Martin

Directly after completing his degree in political science, Martin began a PR traineeship in the media department at Bitkom, Germany’s digital association / the German Federal Association for Information Technology. [show more]As a trainee and subsequently as a consultant, he was responsible among other things for games, consumer electronics and apps. At game, he is responsible for public relations.

Maren Raabe

Director of PA
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 15

About Maren

As of October 2017 Maren holds the game’s position of Head of PA. Preceding that she held a communications role at the TV and radio trade association VAUNET, where she arrived after stopovers at a business law firm, a real estate trade association and the radio group REGIOCAST. [show more]Apart from her studies in law and PR traineeship, Maren was able to gather political experience on a federal and state level.

Velyana Richter

Public Relations Manager
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 12

About Velyana

After graduating in media and communication studies at the Free University of Berlin, Velyana was able to gain in-depth experience as a PR consultant in numerous sectors such as technology, education and e-commerce at various communication agencies. [show more]At game, she joins the press and public relations team as PR manager.

Isabel Schmutz

Project Manager Members
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 11

About Isabel

Isabel completed her bachelor’s degree in communication psychology with a focus on multimedia communication where she already worked with video games. [show more]Alongside her studies, she began working in the games industry as a student trainee in the field of game design and quality assurance. After graduating, she started as a junior game designer. At the game association, Isabel is responsible for membership project management.

Tom Schweiger

Junior Manager Public Affairs
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 204

About Tom

Tom supports the public affairs team at game as a Junior Manager. [show more]He studied political science at the Free University of Berlin and political management at the NRW School of Governance. During and after his studies, he gained valuable practical experience both at Doctors Without Borders and in the German Bundestag.

Philipp Senkbeil

Director Operations
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 23

About Philipp

Philipp joined the game team in June 2024 as Director Operations. [show more]In his role, he is in charge of finance, human resources, processes and IT. Previously, Philipp was responsible for social influencers and PR in various management roles at Webedia. He was also a long-standing member of the USK advisory board.

Marten Stübing

Digital Communcations Manager
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 26

About Marten

Marten studied digital media culture at Film University Babelsberg and worked parallel as a freelance student assistant at rbb Fernsehen. [show more]He then worked in digital communications for Coca-Cola Germany. At game, Marten is part of the press and public relations team and is primarily responsible for the website, newsletter and social media channels.

Markus Wille

Markus Wille (game)Senior Market Research Manager
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 0

About Markus

Markus studied political science with a focus on political culture and communication in Duisburg. [show more]He first worked for a market research institute after his graduation and then worked as a research analyst for a German direct insurance company. At game, Markus takes care of everything to do with market research.

Alexander Wolf

Assistance to the Managing Director and accounting
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 29

About Alexander

Alexander worked in the hotel industry for over six years, including as an event manager, in accounting and as a Rooms Division Supervisor in one of the largest hotels in Germany. [show more]Alexander supports the Managing Director and handles accounting at game.

Vanessa Zeuch

Manager Funding & Regional Affairs
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 18

About Vanessa

After studying history and aesthetics of media at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Vanessa worked for several years in cinema, TV film and series production. [show more] During this time, she moved from production to funding and was responsible for regional and national programmes to support children’s films and TV series. Most recently, Vanessa was responsible for location development and games funding for the capital region at Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. At game, she is responsible for funding and regional programmes.

Timo Ziehmer

Office Manager
Phone: +49 30 240 87 79 0

About Timo

Timo studied Media and Entertainment Management in the Netherlands and subsequently gained years of experience in various industries such as FinTech, e-commerce and gaming. [mehr] He was responsible for office management and event management in several start-ups and most recently worked as People & Culture Coordinator for an esports company. At game, Timo is responsible for office and feel good management.