Seeking game developers: ‘Pitch & Match @ gamescom’ gets ready for the next round

Seeking game developers: ‘Pitch & Match @ gamescom’ gets ready for the next round
BIU, Pitch & Match und BBQ im Biergarten Halle 2.2,

Photo: game | Andreas Hagedorn
• game is bringing developers and publishers together on the games industry’s most important European business platform
• Application deadline is 31 July 2018
Berlin, 29 May 2018 – The next edition of ‘Pitch & Match @ gamescom’ takes place on 21 August 2018. In 20-minute pitch sessions, game developers, from newly founded studios to expert teams with years of experience, will present their current projects to publishers. The event is organised by game and is being held for the third time. Last year, 99 developers competed for the coveted pitch slots with the 19 publishers. Interested developer teams are invited to register for ‘Pitch & Match @ gamescom’ by 31 July 2018.
For further information on ‘Pitch & Match @ gamescom’, or to register, go to:

game – the German Games Industry Association

We are the association of the German games industry. Our members include developers, publishers and many other games industry actors such as e-sports event organisers, educational establishments and service providers. As the sponsor of gamescom, we are responsible for the world’s biggest event for computer and video games. We are an expert partner for media and for political and social institutions, and answer questions relating to market development, games culture and media literacy. Our mission is to make Germany the best games location.

Press contact:

Martin Puppe
game – the German Games Industry Association
Charlottenstraße 62
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 2408779-20
Twitter: @game_verband

Martin Puppe
+49 30 240 87 79 20