Copyright Copyright law is the legal framework for the production and distribution of digital goods such as computer and video games. game is committed to ensuring that creative services are remunerated fairly and that overly complicated copyright law does not become a locational disadvantage for German developers and publishers. This requires further harmonisation of copyright law at European level. In the production of computer and video games, numerous creative people are involved in a highly division of labour, such as storytellers, game producers, game and level designers, graphic designers, programmers, composers and sound designers. This complex value chain must be able to be represented by copyright law. But also the performance of publishers, who pay authors appropriately and combine their services to create a computer game, must enjoy adequate protection through copyright and ancillary copyright. As investment protection, copyright law must help to ensure that computer and video games are developed in Germany as well. Games content for Let’s Plays and Walkthroughs can so far be used on social media platforms easily and free of charge with the permission of most publishers. When implementing Art. 17 of the latest EU Directive on Copyright, it must be taken into account that this is still possible and that the legitimate interests of publishers are garanteed. Statement on the implementation of the DSM Directive