10. Institutions and contacts Ablegamers Website with contacts and partners for developing inclusive games. Aktion Mensch Aktion Mensch is Germany’s largest private social funding organisation and supports projects for people with and without disabilities. BAME Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) talents in games. Website with the latest information from the BAME community. Charta der Vielfalt Website with information on the subject of diversity, including the Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter). Deutscher Frauenrat The Deutscher Frauenrat (National Council of German Women’s Organisations) is an umbrella association for around 60 women’s organisations active throughout Germany. It is the largest advocacy group in Germany focusing on women’s issues and gender equality. Diversity Think Tank Management consultancy for diversity management and inclusion. Gaming ohne Grenzen The inclusive, participatory project enables young people with and without disabilities to actively take part in gaming culture. Geena Davis Institute The Geena Davis Institute is a research-focused organization with the mission to inspire authentic portrayals in entertainment and media. Its Gaming Playbook empowers game creators to build narratives and characters that reflect the richness and diversity of human experience. ‘Chefsache‘ Initiative ‘Chefsache’ is a network of leaders from business, research, the public sector and media who are personally committed to working toward equal opportunities for men and women. The website provides information on issues such as equal opportunity, diversity and unconscious bias, as well as case studies. Inklusion gelingt Initiative launched by German businesses to support people with disabilities. The website provides information and details of events, a joint declaration, information for companies, case studies, publications and events. Initiative Klischeefrei The initiative advocates a career and study choice free of gender stereotypes. klische*esc Organisation which runs projects and campaigns aimed at various groups. The objective is always to raise awareness of limiting stereotypes and educate people about their consequences. PANDA A network for women in leadership positions. PRIDE Chmapion (formerly PRIDE 500) This is the LGBT+ cachet for employers which is awarded to LGBT+ diversity champions in Germany. The badge demonstrates to current and potential employees, customers, business partners and investors that a company values LGBT+ people and has an open, welcoming company culture. Project Implicit An online test to explore your own unconscious bias. STICKS & STONES A job fair aimed at the LGBT+ community and other groups. The largest of its kind in Europe. Sozialhelden The objective of this association is to encourage people, institutions and companies to become more aware of people with disabilities and consider them as a target group for a broad range of products and services. UNICORNS IN TECH A global LGBT+ tech community. WOMENIZE! An action programme specially for women in games and tech. The format is designed specifically for professionals and emerging talents in the fields of games, media and IT. Womenize! features success stories and highlights the activities offered to support women in the workplace. Counselling and support: A games culture based on appreciation and recognition rejects any form of discrimination, harassment, assault or inappropriate language. These should not be tolerated in games, at events or in the workplace. Anyone who is affected by harassment or would like to report an incident can seek free advice and help from experts at the following independent institutions: Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (available in English): The institution supports and advises people who have experienced discrimination against the legal background of the General Equal Treatment Act – including legal advice and the opportunity to report cases of discrimination. HateAid (available in English): The non-profit organisation provides direct advice and legal support in cases of digital violence. The Violence against women support Hotline (available in several languages): Nationwide counselling service that is available around the clock and in confidence to women who have experienced violence – for example digital violence or harassment in the workplace. Available as telephone and online counselling. Violence against men support Hotline (German only): Nationwide counselling service available to men who have experienced violence or harassment. Available as telephone and online counselling. The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency provides a further list of free counselling services: Here.