Publishing InformationPublisher game – the German Games Industry Association Friedrichstraße 165 10117 Berlin Germany +49 30 2408779 0 DE EN Project management Ines Harmuth Editors Felix Falk, Ina Göring, Ines Harmuth, Sabine Saeidy-Nory, Sebastian Steinbach, Thorsten Hamdorf, Timm Walter, Uwe Hönig (Computec Media GmbH), Wolfgang Fischer (Computec Media GmbH) Guest comments Benedikt Grindel, Franziska Lehnert, Gerald Böse, Jens Kosche, Johannes Roth, Julia Pfiffer, Linda Kruse, Maike Steinweller, Maria Lesk, Maxi Graeff, Willi Wöber Translation & Proofreading Computec Media GmbH Textklinik GmbH Design Bureau Ole Gehling Destination Design Digital Implemenation Destination Design Photographs ESL (chapter 8, Esports in Germany), Riot Games (chapter 8, Esports in Germany), GettyImages/game (chapter 9, gamescom – The heart of gaming), GettyImages/game (chapter 9, gamescom – The heart of gaming), Franziksa Krug/game (chapter 9, gamescom – The heart of gaming), Willi Wöber © Patricia Weisskirchner (chapter 11, ‘Hier spielt Vielfalt’) Desperados III is a modern real-time tactics game, developed by Munich based developer Mimimi Games and published by THQ Nordic.