Serious Games Conference 2013 – The Programme is Here!

The Serious Games Conference takes place on 8 March 2013 at the CeBIT in Hannover. This year the topic of serious games will be complemented by a special focus on the phenomenon of gamification. With its top-notch speakers and the most innovative best practice examples, the conference promises to be an exciting and wide-reaching event. 

The conference will be opened by Dr. Maximilian Schenk of BIU, the German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software, with his keynote address on “Serious Games and Gamification: Challenges and Opportunities for Industry, Producers and Users“. Silja Gülicher of Nindendo and Simon Liepold of Microsoft will present their innovative projects focussed on education. After that, Jörg Engster of Bremer InformationsGesellschaft will present Vom fehlenden Fisch – Die geheimnisvolle Welt der Gemälde (About the Missing Fish – The Mysterious World of Painting), the serious game that last year won the German Computer Games Award and broke new ground in the field of museum education. 

In the afternoon the conference will concentrate on the digital trend of gamification. Prof. Mathias Fuchs of Leuphana Universität in Lüneburg will provide a general introduction to this topic. Serious games and gamification also play an important role within the incubator projects Learning with Computer Games mounted by the University in Lüneburg, raising its profile in the field of digital media. 

Thorsten Unger will present the first gamification project, the Facebook build up game Greensight City which he developed together with Zone 2 Connect for Daimler AG on the issue of sustainable mobility. Marcel Yon of Experience Network will give insights on gamification from the viewpoint of firms’ knowledge management and the possibilities of linkage with social networks. 

The conference will end with a panel discussion on Lifelong Learning – Requirements for Serious Games and Gamification Processes. Alongisde Ruth Lemmen of BIU, the German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software, Anika von Ribbeck, Managing Director of G.A.M.E., the German Trade Association of the Computer Games Industry, will be present on stage. In addition, Dr. Stefan Göbel of the Multimedia Communications Lab at the TU Darmstadt, Jens Wiemken a concept developer from the media supervision body of Lower Saxony (NLM), and Steffen Schwabe, consultant on media education of the institute for quality development in schools of Lower Saxony (NLQ), will also take part in this exciting debate. 

The conference will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch of the Mediadesign Hochschule in Düsseldorf. 

The Serious Games Conference 2013 is organised jointly by nordmedia, BIU, the German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software, Hessen IT, the Niedersächsischen Landesmedienanstalt (NLM) as well as the CeBIT.

The Serious Games Conference 2013 takes place on 8 March 2013 at the CeBIT, starting from 10:00 AM in Hall 17, Stand A56. Participation is free and includes an entry ticket to the CeBIT. For the complete programme, further information as well as registration visit

Further information
The German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software (BIU) is the interest group for suppliers and producers of entertainment software in Germany. It organizes the interests of the relevant companies in the field of interactive entertainment. As a competent partner for media as well as political and social institutions, BIU answers all questions on subjects relating to computer and video games.

BIU – Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware e.V.
Rungestrasse 18
D-10179 Berlin
Tel: ++49-30-2408779-0
Fax: ++49-30-2408779-11  